“Perm University Herald. Economy” is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Faculty of Economics of Perm State University.

The main purpose of the journal is to present the latest theoretical and scientific practical results of the studies by Russian and foreign scholars in the field of today’s economic knowledge and to promote them to Russian and the world scientific space in a form of highly qualified scientific publications.

Theoretical and practical issues of methodology and methods on economic systems research, management of the national economy, mathematical and instrumental methods of economics, accounting, auditing and economic analysis are covered in the journal.

A huge amount of publications are region-oriented studies where features, patterns and nature of regional economies and interregional economic system activity are discussed. The most valuable part of the periodical is the articles devoted to the development of theoretical and methodological apparatus of economic theory. The most interesting results of economic and mathematical studies and researches in the field of accounting, auditing and economic analysis of enterprises activity are published in the journal.  

Publication is intended for researchers, lecturers, post graduates, students, members of the public, business, experts and government officials at all levels.

The periodical enters the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals (K1) which publish the results of the scientific studies to be awarded the scientific degrees of Candidate of Sciences and Doctor of Sciences in the following areas: 5.2. Economic Sciences and Majors 5.2.1. Economic Theory, 5.2.2. Mathematical, Statistical and Instrumental Methods in Economy, 5.2.3. Regional and Industrial Economies.

The journal is indexed in the following electronic recourses: Russian Index of Scientific Citation (RISC)Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)Electronic Library System IPRbooksOpen Access Scientific Library “Cyberleninka”National digital resource of RukontElectronic library system of the publishing house “Lan”The National Library of Russia (NLR)Russian Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (VINITI RAS)EBSCOLibrary of CongressWorldCatGoogle Scholar.

Content is available under the Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

“Perm University Herald. Economy” is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published four times a year. Issue includes 5–8 articles.

Original scientific articles are submitted to the journal in the Russian and English languages.

Articles and accompanying documents are accepted in electronic form through the Personal account of the author.

