Current Issue

The first issue in 2023 starts with the articles in Economic-Mathematical Modeling. The authors here offer studies which

  • analyze the efficiency of special economic zones with a developed econometric model aimed to measure SEZ’s impact on the region’s growth;
  • forecast Gazprom PJSC stock quotes with multiple linear regression equations reflecting the impact of economic factors on its stocks.

In Regional Economy, the authors

  • put forward a methodology for qualitative assessment of scientific performance and its impact on the innovation development at the regional level;
  • describe the results from the analysis of the Saratov region labor market, with the results accounting for the regularities in the regional labor market development and open up new possibilities for developing and implementing the employment programs for the residents.

 Sector-Specific Section of the Issue covers the studies where the authors

  • give their own scientific and practical recommendations for designing the technologies to manage the innovative processes, to group, and to unify the management and development of the balanced management system for the innovations at the national enterprises, while this system helps the enterprises adjust to the current period of ongoing changes;
  • develop their own unique assessment methodology to examine the digitalization rate of the entities, with the methodology equally applied to any area and any scale.
##submissions.single.published##: 2023-04-03