The model for an efficient development of innovation activities in industrial enterprises

  • Vera Ansarovna Vasyaycheva Samara National Research University


Introduction. The current economic situation determines specific requirements for the development of domestic industrial structures. These requirements are designed to enhance structures’ innovation activities and accelerate scientific and technological update for technological sovereignty and higher competitiveness in the world market. However, a number of challenges hinder the innovative development of enterprises and prevent a change in their ranking status among leading high-tech companies. A lack of efficient innovation activities could be explained by the imperfect methodological tools applied to innovation management and template thinking typical for the majority of top managers, which both erects barriers to progressive changes and provides prerequisites for new formidable challenges in strategy implementation for the rapid development of the Russian economy.

Purpose. The key goal of the scientific research is to develop a model for an efficient development of innovative activities in industrial enterprises. The model is designed to contribute to favorable conditions for the growth of highly efficient businesses flexibly adapting to current realities and challenges.

Materials and Methods. To achieve the goal, the author referred to the methods of structural analysis and synthesis, generalization, analogy, modeling, system analysis, and optimization.

Results. The analysis led to working out scientific recommendations for better efficient functioning of domestic enterprises in the field of innovation. Unlike the existing recommendations, these ones contribute to the qualitative bifurcation of their innovation systems and the achievement of a synergistic effect.

Conclusions. The conclusions drawn are of high practical importance for improving the innovative activities of the Russian enterprises and increasing their competitive advantages in the context of global changes. The strategic guideline for further research is the issues of methodological and technological support for the developed proposals.

Keywords: innovative activity, efficiency, innovation management, industrial enterprises


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Information about the Author

Vera Ansarovna Vasyaycheva, Samara National Research University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Human Resource Management

How to Cite
Vasyaycheva V.A. The model for an efficient development of innovation activities in industrial enterprises // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Seria Ekonomika = Perm University Herald. Economy. 2024, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 5–15. doi: 10.17072/1994-9960-2024-1-5-15
Economic theory