Еconomic security indicators as a complex characteristic of security of financial and business activity of organizations participating in foreign-economic activity


The study is devoted to understanding of economic security as a complex characteristic of the protection of the financial and economic activities of the organization from external and internal threats. The research is based on general scientific methods and complex tools of economic analysis. The importance to manage economic security of organizations participating in foreign-economic activity is substantiated with corresponding indicators that allow to reveal weaknesses in the activity of these organizations and to determine important trends to increase the activity efficiency. The suggested list of indicators that assess the economic security of organizations participating in foreign-economic activity includes the issues of marketing, investment attractiveness of company shares, indices of financial and economic activity of business, of product quality and demand. Threshold values of these indicators are substantiated and methods to calculate a generalizing indicator of economic security of organizations participating in foreign-economic activity are suggested. It has been demonstrated that the suggested list of indicators and the original methodology can be used by organizations participating in foreign-economic activity when developing the company standard “List of economic security indicators of organizations participating in foreign- economic activity”. The approach suggested in the article also may be used to assess economic security of other organizations that are not involved in foreign-economic activity in case necessary corrections of the indicator list are made. Theorists and experts in economic analysis who are involved in the study of economic security management of organization may be interested in the original methods that allow assessing the economic security of organizations participating in foreign-economic activity. Further studies will concern the development of particular practical guidelines to increase the efficiency of economic security management of organizations participating in foreign-economic activity. These guidelines will be based on the suggested tools for the assessment of economic security.


economic security, organizations participating in foreign-economic activity, management of economic security, company standards, organization bankruptcy, assessment indicators, threshold values, integral indicator.


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Information about the Author

Vladimir Yur'evich Savin, CJSC “RosBiznesKonsalting”

Savin Vladimir Yur'evich – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Head of international and management reporting group, CJSC “RosBiznesKonsalting” (1, 78, Profsoyuznaya st., Moscow, 117393, Russia; e-mail: savin.msu@gmail.com).

How to Cite
Savin V.Y. Еconomic security indicators as a complex characteristic of security of financial and business activity of organizations participating in foreign-economic activity // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Seria Ekonomika = Perm University Herald. Economy. 2018, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 303-318. doi: 10.17072/1994-9960-2018-2-303-318
Current issues of accounting, auditing and economic analysis