Vol. 17 No. 4 (2022)
The final issue in 2022 starts with a paper devoted to the trends in the development of regional integration unions. An author has systematized and divided the typological criteria for the regional integration unions by different indicators, outlined the impact factors for regional integration, revealed a modern group of regional integration unions with an institutional economic approach. Then, the articles in the section Regional and Municipal Economy 1) analyzed the approaches applied to assess the labor potential of the existing special economic zones and advanced development territories and showed that special terms and conditions for the manufacturing activities and service sector do not facilitate the territories’ development processes, except for the major cities and some large urban agglomerations; 2) systematized Scopus and Web of Science publications about smart cities, defined the key areas for research which can develop the concept of smart cities, developed a research tree for visualization of trends in this area, main areas of smart city analysis at a global scale are associated with the infrastructure of the smart cities, their social innovative development, as well as management of smart cities; 3) analyzed the current condition of the self-employment institute in the regions of Russia, terms and conditions for the self-employed and regulatory areas of their performance, arrived at the conclusion about a dynamic development of a self-employment sector and its huge growth potential.
The authors of the papers in the section Enterprise Economy and Management of Enterprises, Organizations, Branches, Complexes: 1) offer the solutions for excessive outdated areas of trade centers and their adjustment to the needs of the Y and Z generations; 2) address the concerns of better management of industrial enterprises by putting forward a new approach to the development of a strategic planning system and paying more attention to the strategic planning as the key link in a management system.
The section Current Issues of Accounting, Auditing and Economic Analysis evaluates the impact of new federal accounting standards on the entities’ economic security indicators for the development of the efficient managerial and financial decisions. The current indicator-based approaches applied to assess the enterprises’ economic security are considered with further conclusion to unify the methodology for uniformity and comparability of the analytical data.