Vol. 15 No. 3 (2020)

					View Vol. 15 No. 3 (2020)

Economic Theory section of the Bulletin starts with an article which outlines the key development patterns and justifies the need for the inclusive institutes aimed at regulating the sharing economy in the context of digitalization of institutional environment. The second article of the section describes the authors’ approach to the category of feudalism and its application to the analysis of a hierarchical structure in a modern industrial enterprise, as well as defines the ways to overcome adverse implications of the in-company feudalism.

Economic-Mathematical Modelling section of the Bulletin is about modelling social ecological and economic connections looked upon as an approach to evaluate the RF regions’ growth and develop an algorithm for a sustainable wood supply chain at the national timber processing factories.

Enterprise Economy and Management of Enterprises, Organizations, Branches, Complexes section of the Bulletin gives the results of the studies into structural changes in the RF energy industry and other countries – leaders of energy production to define the trends and strategic priorities of an energy transfer determined by a wide use of renewable resources and displacement of fossil fuels.   

Current Issues of Accounting, Auditing, and Economic Analysis section systematizes the global practices, defines application opportunities for the strategic accounting methods, and describes the tools used to monitor a loan risk in the Russian commercial banks for better predictive estimates of the expected loan losses.

Published: 2020-10-29

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