
  • Vol. 19 No. 3 (2024)

    The first part of Bulletin September Issue is devoted to the possibilities for mathematical methods applied to solve the current concerns in the economy. The author of the first article refers to the Rosstat data and suggests using the temporal disintegration method for more accurate GRP annual numbers at the regional level. The second study analyzes the unemployment in the Ural Federal Region and outlines the key factors which affect its dynamics by applying the author-developed econometric models determined by correlation and regression analysis methods. The authors of the third paper created an economic mathematical fulfillment-derived model for the interaction between manufacturers and marketplaces provided the goods are stored at the marketplace’s warehouses.

    The second part traditionally describes the solutions of various problems for the regional and industrial growth. Our authors focus on such issues as (1) modern theories for the global convergence of accounting systems which should be revised as they are recognized to be irrelevant when the nature of convergence has been carefully examined through the lens of accounting theory and harmonization paradigms; (2) the need to develop a mechanism aimed at assessing the personnel’s digital maturity in an unbiased manner whether the specialists are prepared to work in a digital environment and upgrade industrial enterprises to a new technological level; (3) assessment of digital economy in terms of its link with digital transformation and digital maturity of a regional economy, the search for the most adequate methodological solutions determined by modern statistical tools.


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  • Vol. 19 No. 2 (2024)

    The 2024 Second Issue starts with the Economic Theory Section and its article in which the author looks at the economic sanctions in terms of their purpose and its evolution in the context of the development of global economic relationships.

    Then, this is followed by an article in the Mathematical, Statistical and Instrumental Methods in Economy Section. The authors refer to the methods of artificial intelligence in marketing, including bank sales modeling and forecasting with PAO Sberbank as a case study.

    The authors of the studies included in the largest Regional and Industrial Economies Section in the Bulletin:

    – look at Chelyabinsk Region and analyze its structural shifts in employment in this industrial region in terms of better living standards among population;

    – use clusterization to evaluate the impact of a commodity bundle’s structure in the constituents of the Russian Federation on regional inflation and refer to the regional indices of consumer prices and share of goods and services;

    – update the issue of higher sustainability of the industrial enterprises in the Russian Arctic territories by comparing the key indicators of sustainable development for key Russian industrial enterprises in terms of their ecologic load on the environment;

    – define the areas for improving the tools of public support in an entrepreneurial sector in the context of digitalization.


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  • Vol. 19 No. 1 (2024)

    The first issue in 2024 starts with two articles in Economic Theory. The author of the first paper aims to design a model for the efficient development of the enterprises’ innovation activities, while the author of the second paper analyzes such a phenomenon as hysteresis by defining its connection with business cycles and long-term economic growth.

    The authors of the research in the section titled Mathematical, Statistical and Instrumental Methods in Economy verify the hypothesis about the accuracy of the LSTM neural network against the traditional autoregressive models (e.g. ARIMA) and long memory models (e.g. ARFIMA) in stock exchange volatility simulation. In the second study of the section, the author refers to fuzzy modeling to examine the dependence of the industrial energy consumption on various social economic factors.

    The authors of the articles in Regional and Industrial Economics:

    – use the results of the regressive analysis to make conclusions and describe the behavioral strategies for megaproject’s direct and indirect beneficiaries while the megaproject is in progress and when its results are reported;

    – define spatial aspects in examining the wage gaps for remote employees with regard to their professional area;

    – outline significant features of the population’s wellbeing in the region as a set of goods, its connections and correlations with the notions “living standard” and “quality of life”, find the place of this notion in the regional strategy, develop a new approach to the definition of “population’s wellbeing in the region” in terms of theory of goods.


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  • Vol. 18 No. 4 (2023)

    The 2023 final issue is all about the regional and industrial economies.

    The authors of the first study attempt to find a triple helix in ESG models for municipal development in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

    The second survey focuses on examining trade openness of the Russian regions in the context of transformations over time and influence of border location.

    The author of the third study considers a compromise based adaptation strategy for business structure management in crisis.

    The fourth article of the issue is devoted to a challenge of assessing the size of the shadow economy.

    The authors of the fifth paper describe the future of hydrogen energy in the Russian Federation and focus on developing the recommendations for the most efficient management of this multifaceted process.

    The final research in this issue tests the hypothesis that the recovery of deferred taxes increases income tax accruals.


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  • Vol. 18 No. 3 (2023)

    The third issue opens with two articles in the section “Mathematical, statistical and instrumental methods in economics”: the authors of the first, being at the stage of theoretical research, propose an option for organizing a risk management system for an industrial enterprise (Center) in the event of a risk event, taking into account third-party organizations participating in the system (Agents); the second study is devoted to the territorial differentiation of the structure of budget investments in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the results of which allowed the author to create an information basis for a full-system accounting and analysis of budget investment flows using a set of administrative and official statistical data.

    The studies included in the section “Regional and Industrial Economies” are aimed at (1) modeling the region’s innovative activities, (2) analyzing and systematizing the available options for decarbonization of the oil and gas business, (3) consideration of the current state and directions of development of accounting and analytical support for assessing investments in innovation by industrial enterprises, (4) studying engagement and its relationship with the satisfaction of key motives of managers with different lengths of service in the company using correlation analysis.

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  • Vol. 18 No. 2 (2023)

    The second issue of Perm University Herald. ECONOMY starts with the Economic Theory section and its article where an author has analyzed Tobler’s first law for the first time in the national scientific literature and worded the key questions which could outline the interaction among the spatially distributed economic agents in the future digital world.   

    The authors of the studies published in the Regional and Industrial Economies section look at the questions which refer to:

    • tailoring supporting business-processes together with perfecting the cost management system at a chemical enterprise;
    • modeling a digital platform for managing an enterprise’s innovative performance;
    • attracting extra funding by non-profit organizations to solve socially important concerns of the regions;
    • evaluating water use in the Russian regions by analyzing such criteria as water supply, efficiency, and sustainable development.
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  • Vol. 18 No. 1 (2023)

    The first issue in 2023 starts with the articles in Economic-Mathematical Modeling. The authors here offer studies which

    • analyze the efficiency of special economic zones with a developed econometric model aimed to measure SEZ’s impact on the region’s growth;
    • forecast Gazprom PJSC stock quotes with multiple linear regression equations reflecting the impact of economic factors on its stocks.

    In Regional Economy, the authors

    • put forward a methodology for qualitative assessment of scientific performance and its impact on the innovation development at the regional level;
    • describe the results from the analysis of the Saratov region labor market, with the results accounting for the regularities in the regional labor market development and open up new possibilities for developing and implementing the employment programs for the residents.

     Sector-Specific Section of the Issue covers the studies where the authors

    • give their own scientific and practical recommendations for designing the technologies to manage the innovative processes, to group, and to unify the management and development of the balanced management system for the innovations at the national enterprises, while this system helps the enterprises adjust to the current period of ongoing changes;
    • develop their own unique assessment methodology to examine the digitalization rate of the entities, with the methodology equally applied to any area and any scale.
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  • Vol. 17 No. 4 (2022)

    The final issue in 2022 starts with a paper devoted to the trends in the development of regional integration unions. An author has systematized and divided the typological criteria for the regional integration unions by different indicators, outlined the impact factors for regional integration, revealed a modern group of regional integration unions with an institutional economic approach. Then, the articles in the section Regional and Municipal Economy 1) analyzed the approaches applied to assess the labor potential of the existing special economic zones and advanced development territories and showed that special terms and conditions for the manufacturing activities and service sector do not facilitate the territories’ development processes, except for the major cities and some large urban agglomerations; 2) systematized Scopus and Web of Science publications about smart cities, defined the key areas for research which can develop the concept of smart cities, developed a research tree for visualization of trends in this area, main areas of smart city analysis at a global scale are associated with the infrastructure of the smart cities, their social innovative development, as well as management of smart cities; 3) analyzed the current condition of the self-employment institute in the regions of Russia, terms and conditions for the self-employed and regulatory areas of their performance, arrived at the conclusion about a dynamic development of a self-employment sector and its huge growth potential.

    The authors of the papers in the section Enterprise Economy and Management of Enterprises, Organizations, Branches, Complexes: 1) offer the solutions for excessive outdated areas of trade centers and their adjustment to the needs of the Y and Z generations; 2) address the concerns of better management of industrial enterprises by putting forward a new approach to the development of a strategic planning system and paying more attention to the strategic planning as the key link in a management system.

    The section Current Issues of Accounting, Auditing and Economic Analysis evaluates the impact of new federal accounting standards on the entities’ economic security indicators for the development of the efficient managerial and financial decisions. The current indicator-based approaches applied to assess the enterprises’ economic security are considered with further conclusion to unify the methodology for uniformity and comparability of the analytical data.

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  • Vol. 17 No. 3 (2022)

    A theme-based issue of Perm University Herald. Economy focuses on sustainable development of the socio-economic systems. All articles in the issue refer to the regional systems.

    A section Economic Theory” starts with an article where the authors prove that some services of sharing economy benefit sustainable development. The second paper analyzes methodological approaches designed to assess sustainable development and circular economy and refers to the studies devoted to this theme.

    A section “Regional Economy” includes four articles. Here, the authors  1) comprehensively analyze published papers and propose a systematized theoretical methodological grounds and methodological tools for measuring sustainable development of regional systems; 2) examine the impact of the higher system education on region’s sustainable development; 3) explore regularities in social, ecological, and economic dynamics; 4) evaluate enterprises’ contribution — the leaders in oil and gas sector – to implementing the principles of low-carbon economy.

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  • Vol. 17 No. 2 (2022)

    The first section of the issue “Economic-Mathematical Modeling” includes an article where an author applies panel data based econometric methods and examines the impact of innovations on the GRP growth. The author shows that promotion of innovative activities could affect economy growth both in the country and in its regions.

    A section “Regional and Municipal Economy” starts with a research where the authors are among the pioneers in a comprehensive analysis of interaction between two territorial economic systems – a region and a cluster. The paper extensively examines theoretical sources to develop a conceptual system aimed to solve the problem of cluster’s binary nature and describes a graphic model which could be applied to reduce detrimental effects from the cluster strategy. The second article of the section looks at the social economic background of territorial public self-government (TPSG) and its impact on the region. The authors prove the statement that TPSG is a municipal-based economic unit. They examine the case of Perm Krai and describe correlations between TPSG development indicators and some indicators of social economic development. They conclude that there is a need for the analysis of specific cases with territorial peculiarities. The third study is aimed to apply sustainability window methodology to receive the latest data about the social ecological and economic sustainability of a northern region. The author comes to conclusion that the territory in question is being developed and recommends including the methodology in the system of managerial solutions applied by the respective authorities. 

    An author of the first article in the section “Current Issues of Accounting, Auditing and Economic Analysis” carries on a multi-faceted analysis of such a nuanced accounting object as deferred taxes (discussion starts here in Issue 4/2021). The author reveals the key issues, proposes some alternatives of more efficient registration and interpretations of the tax effects, specifies the nature of the deferred taxes, theoretically formalizes the concepts of temporary and timing differences and two methodologies for depreciation of deferred tax assets,   explains a methodological mechanism of initiation and reverse of allowances, and considers international practices in this area as well. The issue finishes with a study devoted to the depreciation policy. The authors classify the approaches to its development, refer to the acting international and Russian standards, reveal a contemporary priority approach when depreciation deductions are properly distributed along the time axis, and accurately determine prime costs. The study examines aerospace industry and shows non-compliance of the majority of industrial enterprises with this approach in their depreciation strategy. The authors give their own methodology designed to estimate disposal value as a solution for one of the most serious problems in developing depreciation strategy.

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  • Vol. 17 No. 1 (2022)

    The first issue of the 2022 “Perm University Herald. Economy” starts with an article devoted to the key approaches and prospects in the structural studies of the modern Russian economic school. The paper justifies the need to consider structural changes at different levels of an economic entity in terms of multiple interconnected factors and concludes about a promising future of differentiating the management methods, evaluating the power of the applied tools in terms of structure and macrogoals which could be determined by the theory of structural dynamics.  

    A section “Regional and Municipal Economy” 1) describes the evaluation methodology for education infrastructure accessibility in the regions of the Russian Federation, justifies the need for a multi-criteria evaluation with object, digital, and transport components, applies the methodology to evaluate the education infrastructure accessibility in the regions in the Ural and Volga Federal Districts; 2) proposes economically sound, the RF legislation compiled rental rate calculation methodology for the state- and municipal-owned no-bid land plots, and tests the methodology by comparing the actual and calculated rental rate payments to the budget of Perm Krai in 2020.  

    A section “Enterprise Economy and Management of Enterprises, Organizations, Branches, Complexes” 1) looks into the key concepts and principles of an ecologically friendly (green) energy sector and the reasons for the global industry shift to the renewable energy sources, analyzes the current level and prospects of green economy, examines the problems of the shift to the renewable energy sources, outlines different paths for the development of the Russian oil and gas services business in the transition period to green economy, offers possible prerequisites for business’s sustainable development; 2) proposes a structural logic strategy model for the institutional transformations of industrial complexes in digital economy and a methodological approach to the choice of type and synthesis of the specified strategy, describes the key components and characteristics of the model, designs an imitational model of the industrial complex’s transformation and development in digital economy, identifies the most reasonable strategic priorities and types of transformation strategy for the industrial complexes in Voronezh, Lipetsk, Kursk Regions and other areas to test the proposed models and methodological tools; 3) describes an organizational economic mechanism for introducing category management in a company’s assortment strategy with the focus on the second-fourth stages of company’s assortment lifecycle, attempts to introduce the author’s mechanism into a trading company at its first stage of assortment lifecycle, gives the results of this introduction, which help improve the mechanism with regard to a management algorithm for the goods categories, the mechanism being applied by the companies at their first stage of assortment lifecycle.

    The last but not least paper in a section “Current Issues of Accounting, Auditing and Economic Analysis” raises the issues of the professional education in interdisciplinary areas, including forensic accounting; outlines a set of skills for a forensic accountant, develops an educational training model for these specialists. The paper both defines and groups globally recognized skills and knowledge of forensic accountants and describes the key elements of the training model in a modern practice-driven competency-based approach.

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  • Vol. 16 No. 4 (2021)

    The final issue starts with the article devoted to the problem induced by the current decrease in the tourist flows due to the coronavirus pandemic. The authors developed different predictive machine learning based models for hotel booking cancellation and compared these models to justify the choice of the best model with such metrics as Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F-measures, and the area under the ROC curve.

    In a section “Regional Economy”, the author draws readers’ attention to the efficient exploitation of the forest resources in the context of transition to green economy and offers methodological tools to measure forest depletion from a long-term and territorially differentiated reduction of the resource and worse cut-to-length structure of the forest resources. The author examines one of the RF forest regions – the Komi Republic.      

    In a section “Enterprise Economy and Management of Enterprises, Organizations, Branches, Complexes”, 1) a process approach is applied to reveal the possibilities for better organizational and financial performance of a modern corporation; 2) the results from a large-scale questionnaire-based survey among the representative heads of the companies doing their business in Volgograd City and Volgograd Region helped measure the efficiency of the investments into the human capital in the context of the companies’ needs and permanent  increment of employees’ education capital; 3) an efficient mechanism is proposed for human resources management in industrial enterprises, this mechanism provides enterprises’ sustainable innovative development with regard to the unpredictable environment. 

    The final section of the issue “Current Issues of Accounting, Auditing and Economic Analysis” focuses on a crucial object of accounting with its significant impact on managerial decisions taken by users – deferred taxes. Analysis of the fundamental features of the deferred taxes and overview of the global practices in assessing the arising “differences”, their classifications, and accounting methods helped develop and justify classification characteristics of the deferred taxes with their grouping by methods of accounting, assessment and types. The second article of the section develops a list of marine transportation company’s expenses from the analysis of the eligibility of general expenses items with regard to the activities of shipping companies.

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  • Vol. 16 No. 3 (2021)

    A section “Economic Theory” in the third issue of the Journal focuses on the principles of the system-evolutionary approach and provides the results of a comprehensive theoretical analysis of entrepreneurship’s nature, content, and essence.
    A section “Regional Economy” offers tools for measuring COVID-19 pandemic impact on the social economic development of regions in Russia and the resilience of the regional systems to the pandemic with regard to demographic factors, including region’s population density, the incidences of coronavirus infection, and the coronavirus mortality rate.
    Then, a final section of the Journal “ Enterprise Economy and Management of Enterprises, Organizations, Branches, Complexes” justifies the development and operationalization of a scientific and industrial complex’s model which contributes into setting up efficient integrated structures with an extensive scientific, innovative digital, industrial capacity; efficiency measurement methodology for the interfirm interactions was developed in the context of identification and analysis of the factors contributing into the result-focused application of the information communication technologies; theoretical principles for improvement and an algorithm for a strategic planning methodology for the national food balance were defined; the challenges of the “shock” coronavirus driven transition to distance learning were outlined for the students from the national universities, a rating model for assessing the relevance of the these challenges was developed, and an organizational managerial mechanism was proposed to handle them.

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  • Vol. 16 No. 2 (2021)

    A section “Economic Theory” in the second issue of the Journal outlines promising areas in the RF real estate taxation by identifying the challenges and advantages of similar systems in the CIS countries. The second article of the section theoretically justifies the phenomenon of institutional competition and offers a unified quality evaluation methodology for the existing and newly established institutions to reason the managerial decisions aimed to adjust the institutional system of the country.
    Tools of the institutional economic theory described in the next section of the issue are applied to support the factors for inefficient spatial development institutions in the Russian Federation as regards the proposed quality parameters of this system. A section “Regional and Municipal Economy” contains the articles which 1) propose methodological tools to diagnose the weaknesses and strengths of socio-economic and innovative development of the region, the tools being tested in Lugansk People’s Republic; 2) reason the need for the strategic guidelines for city growth in a multi-criteria evaluation of living conditions in the Russian metropolises under urbanites’ demand for modern urban space.
    The final article of the issue develops the evaluation methodology for the factors providing efficient human resource management in enterprises with multinational personnel and the algorithm of its application. The author’s methodology and algorithm are tried and tested with the expert survey and questionnaire carried out among the top managers and employees of dozens of companies in Penza region.

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  • Vol. 16 No. 1 (2021)

    The Editorial Board of the Journal is proud to publish the first issue of the 2021 “Perm University Herald. Economy” in its updated design prepared under the scientific article layout recommendations given by Olga V. Kirillova and Natalya G. Popova, the experts from the International Business Center, at a training seminar “Developing the competencies of the authors and editors in preparing the international scientific publications and journals”.

    A section “Economic Theory” describes the results of the fundamental analysis of the industry markets’ research subject and develops the unique approach to the author’s methodology; the scientific achievements of the dysfunction theory and institutional trap theories are systematized in the studies of different areas in the Russian institutional school and future development of the dysfunctions theory;   the factors with their impact on the horizontal economic rent which illustrates the employees’ income redistribution in the private sector of the economy to the public employees in case of the developed countries are defined.

    An article in a section “Economic-Mathematical Modeling” constructs different binary choice models to predict the fraudulent transactions, and these models are compared with the neuronets and tree ensembles based models to justify the choice of the best model.

    A final section “Enterprise Economy and Management of Enterprises, Organizations, Branches, Complexes” gives a scientific justification for the development of the categories and concepts in the training personnel with regard to the digitalization of the economic activities and relationships; a methodology of the strategic planning for the public support efficiency in agriculture is developed, and methodology’s testing results are described.

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  • Vol. 15 No. 4 (2020)

    2020 final issue starts with an article analyzing the Government “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” Program to identify the conceptual inconsistencies which could trigger the alternative scenarios of the economic development in Russia and the inconsistent managerial decisions, which could lead to significant differences in the development of the digital economy in different industries and regions of the country.
    A second section “Regional Economy” is devoted to different aspects of better performance of the regional social and economic systems aimed at developing the tools supporting the reasonable managerial decisions, among other purposes. In the first article, the comparative analysis is applied to justify the selection of the indicators to measure the region’s sustainable development. It also describes author’s conceptual model of selecting the evaluation criteria for the regions’ sustainable development. The next article reasons the benefits of the author’s system and agglomeration approach to identify the nature of the mechanism contributing into the interinfluence of the region’s socio-economic environment and the industrial cluster and into better identification of adverse and positive clusterization effects which give better opportunities for targeted and timely managerial impact. The final article of the section develops an accessibility evaluation methodology for the near-border regional markets and presents the classification of the regions by the periphery of the near-border regional markets. The proposed methodology tools enhance the understanding of the role for the geographical location in the regions’ economic development and could be applied to develop RF interregional, transborder, and international cooperation strategies.
    The final section “Enterprise Economy and Management of Enterprises, Organizations, Branches, Complexes” focuses on the gaps in the Russian forestry sector and on better energy efficiency of the industrial enterprises. To achieve this goal: 1) the best global practices in investment encouragement in the forestry sector have been classified by reviewing the experiences of the leading countries in timber harvesting and covering the administrative and economic tools; the relevance of their application in national context with regard to the institutional, nature and climate features of the forestry and forest industry in Russia has been justified; 2) a comprehensive approach to the development of the gas consumption strategy at an industrial enterprise with a business model which implements this strategy and tools for performance evaluation tested at the metallurgic enterprises in Chelyabinsk region has been proposed.
    This issue is different from the previous ones as the English abstracts of the articles which describe the scientific novelty and the results of the studies for the foreign readers of our Journal have become more extended. The Editorial Board of the Journal will continue this practice for the English abstracts and hope this could attract more attention of the global academic community to the publications.

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  • Vol. 15 No. 3 (2020)

    Economic Theory section of the Bulletin starts with an article which outlines the key development patterns and justifies the need for the inclusive institutes aimed at regulating the sharing economy in the context of digitalization of institutional environment. The second article of the section describes the authors’ approach to the category of feudalism and its application to the analysis of a hierarchical structure in a modern industrial enterprise, as well as defines the ways to overcome adverse implications of the in-company feudalism.

    Economic-Mathematical Modelling section of the Bulletin is about modelling social ecological and economic connections looked upon as an approach to evaluate the RF regions’ growth and develop an algorithm for a sustainable wood supply chain at the national timber processing factories.

    Enterprise Economy and Management of Enterprises, Organizations, Branches, Complexes section of the Bulletin gives the results of the studies into structural changes in the RF energy industry and other countries – leaders of energy production to define the trends and strategic priorities of an energy transfer determined by a wide use of renewable resources and displacement of fossil fuels.   

    Current Issues of Accounting, Auditing, and Economic Analysis section systematizes the global practices, defines application opportunities for the strategic accounting methods, and describes the tools used to monitor a loan risk in the Russian commercial banks for better predictive estimates of the expected loan losses.

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  • Vol. 15 No. 2 (2020)

    A section “Economic Theory” in the Second Issue of the Journal describes a conceptual resource management model in the context of the adequate resource distribution and the structural choice problem as regards the Schumpeterian growth model; the institute development principles are proposed to provide the efficient functioning of the smart cities in the era of digital urban transformations.

    In an article of a section “Economic-Mathematical Modeling”, a DSGE model is designed with such approaches as external habit formation and firm-specific capital for the Russian economy with the banking sector and the firms’ fixed assets in the coronavirus pandemic.

    A section “Regional Economy” defines the areas for public governance improvement in the regional state programs, including the ones supporting the digital transformations and more profound economic security of the RF subjects; consumer satisfaction and loyalty evaluation tools are proposed for the regional mineral water market.      

    The final section of the Journal explains the need for the information portal to transfer and to maintain the diffusion of the organizational and management innovations as a tool to boost the innovative development of the modern enterprises.

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  • Vol. 15 No. 1 (2020)

    In 2020, the first issue starts with an article devoted to the main provisions of the structural policy theory as regards the solutions of the economic growth problems. The second article in the Section “Economic Theory” develops the hierarchical approach to the principles of the urban space analysis, which identifies three levels of space evaluation in a ternary system of coordinates [space, time, interaction] as regards the transitive changes in the individual hierarchical set of places “home – work – public spaces” at different stages of civilization evolution.  

    Section “Regional Economy” justifies the strategic priorities for improving the information analytical tools of the cluster spatial development in the regions on the basis of cluster mapping methodology and advanced Internet technologies of the interactive statistical analysis; the issues and trends in the development of the international trade at the forest products market in the region’s economy (in the case study of the Arkhangelsk region) are identified.

    The final Section “Enterprise Economy and Management of Industrial Enterprises, Organizations, Branches, Complexes” proposes an information coding system for an industrial enterprise as regards its hierarchical levels in its structure which determines the nature and the efficiency of the interaction with the national and international entities; category management assortment based strategy in retailing has been developed and tested.

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  • Vol. 14 No. 4 (2019)

    Issue No. 4 of the journal published in the passing 2019 year starts with the article devoted to the role of institutional sectors of economy in education and healthcare financing as the key aspects of human capital formation. The research described in the article is based on annual governors’ reports from Arkhangelsk, Vyatka, Ekaterinoslav and Perm provinces for 1870–1915. The second article of the section “Economic theory” provides evidence of opportunities and necessity to include a full-employment curve into the IS-LM-BP model using the principles of neo-classical synthesis. According to the scholars it will help to analyze the functioning of open economic systems. The final article in the section investigates the nature, principles and conditions of a platform economy operation, which allows us to create open digital ecosystems with multiple users.

    In the journal section “Regional economy”: 1) the postulates of recurrent approach have been applied to the analysis of the production cycle on the basis of the payroll fund dynamics assessment, using the original author’s classification of endogenous and exogenous nature of the factors determining it. The research is done in the case study of Perm krai and the subjects of the Volga and Ural Federal districts as their economic structure is similar to Perm krai; 2) the original index methodology developed by the author for measuring the level of financial literacy using the components “knowledge” and “skills” has been applied for the investigation of differentiation of financial literacy levels using socio-demographic and economic characteristics of the population and territories of 4 regions of the North-Western Federal district (Kaliningrad, Pskov, Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions) in 2018; 3) regional peculiarities of knowledge spillover effect have been studied using an original method developed by the author for the assessment of publication activity of scholars from R&D organizations of a corporate sector.

    The final section of the journal issue is devoted to the analysis of the world market trends in textile products. The crucial growth and re-construction models of textile and clothing industry in Russia have been identified using the identified reasons and contributing factors of the gap of the Russian textile and clothing industry from manufacturers of the leading countries. The issue ends with an article devoted to the development and verification of a comprehensive methodology for assessment of the efficiency of a company’s interaction with suppliers based on the concept of relationship marketing.

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  • Vol. 14 No. 3 (2019)

    Issue No. 3 of the Journal presents the genesis of theoretical comprehension about sustainable development of social and economic systems based on the principles of system and three-part approaches, cluster paradigm and corporate social responsibility.

    The journal section “Economic-mathematical modeling” begins with the article that is devoted to a theoretically substantiated model for the project management of distressed bank assets. Further verification for the assessment of various schemes for the repurchase of distressed assets by the government, as well as the scenario forecasts are suggested in the article. The second article of the section is devoted to the tools that are aimed to solving the problem of accounting for censored data when adjusting the model assessment of bank default risk for the validation of a scoring model

    In the section “Regional economy” the results of three empirical studies have been published. The first one assesses the influence of digital economy development factors on the dynamics of investment attraction into the fixed capital. The second article is concerned with the impact of infrastructural availability on the social and economic development of Russian regions. And the third one analyses the level of peripheralization of Russian economic space using an adopted modern foreign approach to the study of this phenomenon.

    Then the organizational and economic mechanism for the management of coordinated economic activities of participants of industrial clusters, justified from the view point of assessing the effectiveness of its application, has been suggested. The scholars have developed the system of criteria to identify organizational risks of a cultural event and determined management impact factors that provide high quality of the event organization (in the case study of two festivals that promote Romanian music). The final article in the Issue presents the verification of the OCPS (Organizational Culture – Projects Successful) approach modified in the context of the peculiarities of the Russian economy to assess the impact of organizational culture on project success.

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  • Vol. 14 No. 2 (2019)

    The journal section “Economic theory” is devoted to the investigation of informatization and digitalization of modern economy. The first article provides theoretical analysis of functions of different types of information to determine the information efficiency coefficient and information development trends of different economic systems. The tools for information security analysis have been suggested using the comparison of losses and profits caused by possible information threats. The tools will help minimizing the potential of economic system management dysfunctions. In the second article the authors use the postulates of institutional economic theory and econometric analysis to classify the institutes of knowledge generation of a smart city in terms of digital economy. 

    In the section “Economic-mathematical modeling” dynamic stochastic models of general equilibrium have been applied for the investigation of economic systems of different levels. In the first article the general equilibrium stochastic model of the economy of Kazakhstan has been described using Bayesian assessment of the model parameters. The effects on the key macroeconomic parameters caused by demand and supply shocks and the change of interest rate policy of a monetary regulator as well as the change of labour demand have been estimated using the DSGE-model. In the second article of the section a dynamic stochastic multi-sector model with microeconomic substantiation has been developed for the formalization of the development of a regional social and economic system and for the determination of sustainable regional policy and spatial development of the entities of the Russian Federation. In the final article of the section the fractal analysis has been applied for the study of the financial tool dynamics that will allow us to make accurate forecasts for the development of the Russian financial market.              

    The section “Regional economy” begins with the article devoted to the essence of information-innovation-technological processes as a component of a modern macroeconomic cycle. The essence has been revealed using the development and testing of methodological tools for the cycle analysis on regional social and economic system scale. In the next article the authors prove the relation between the financial literacy of the population and its demographic features according to the stages of a family life cycle. It has allowed formulating more precise recommendations for financial literacy problem leveling. Another article is devoted to the problems in the development of the utility sector of the economy of the Russian Federation. The authors have proven the trends of the improvement of the concession agreement mechanism in the utility sector and the procedure of their reconciliation in regional economy using the analysis of factors that increase investment attractiveness of the utility sector of the economy.             

    The final article of the issue concerns the application of a balance method for the investigation of a regional forestry complex. The model of inter-product forestry complex balance developed by the authors and the system of local balances help to obtain absolutely new information about the production resources of the complex and their efficiency.

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  • Vol. 14 No. 1 (2019)

    Volume 14, Issue 1, 2019 of the Journal begins with the article that demonstrates the results of the retrospective analysis of the development of the institute of an independent assessment of social service quality in Russia. The main trends to increase the efficiency of the institute functioning and its transformation into a really operating institute of the public control system are described there. The process is significant in the terms of domestic social and economic institute modernization.

    The first article in the section “Economic-mathematic modeling” introduces the readers to an open personal intellectual technology for the development of adaptive methods of assessment of investment attractiveness and creditworthiness of enterprises on the basis of automated system-cognitive analysis and the “Eidos” system. The next two articles develop the theories of the scientific school “Functional-differential equations: constructive research methods and applications (in Economics)” of the Department of Information Systems and Mathematical Methods in Economics, the Faculty of Economics of Perm State University. The solution for the task of management decision-making to improve investment resources attraction for small enterprises has been suggested in the first article. The second one proves the advisability to apply p-adic method for the analysis of financial market and for the prediction of its volatility. The last article in the section suggests the tools for the solution of a multy-criteria optimization management of a retail unit of a commercial bank on the basis of dynamic economic-mathematical models with the control action and vector quality criterion.   

    The original assessment of the impact of the entrepreneurship capital rate of a region on the turnover of small and medium enterprises with the three-factor production functions has been presented in the next section of the journal. 

    In the section “Enterprise economy and management of industrial enterprises, organisations, branches, complexes” the regularities of the functioning of modern enterprises as an object of marketing management have been determined; the influence of the organizational structure on the practice of corporate social responsibility in order to identify differences in the systems of corporate social responsibility of companies with different types of organizational structures has been studied; the method of risk management and uncertainty in the implementation of projects in the construction industry to improve the quality of information support of management decisions has been suggested; the key factors of successful clustering of the region's economy have been identified and a model of the impact of innovation and industrial cluster on the socio-economic development of a territory has been suggested.

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  • Vol. 13 No. 4 (2018)

    The latest issue of the journal for the past 2018 starts with an extraordinary article devoted to the analysis and the development of methods for human capital amount assessment in cost terms that consider parents labour costs including those associated with conscious reasonable activity on birth, care, up-brining, education, development, socialization and professionalization of children. The activity is made by parents, close relatives and specialists in the social reproduction field on the instruction and/or by consent of parents (and under their control) at all stages of human capital reproduction to form its qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

    A theorem for parameter recovery accuracy assessment has been formulated and proved in the section “Economic and mathematical modelling”. An algorithm that solves the task of parameter recovery for dynamic models based on observation results for the social and economic process under modelling with an accuracy increasing the conventional procedure accuracy of the least squares method and its generalization has also been described there. A cognitive model of correlation between a regional social and economic system and a higher education system has been built and the balanced development of a regional system of higher education considering the territory demands has been assessed using impulse modelling tools and scenario analysis. Pricing factors affecting regional wheat markets have been assessed with panel data models, the significance of the alteration of balanced indicators of grain stock use has been revealed, the existing state measures regulating grain stock amount have been considered and recommendations for efficient policy implementation for grain stock control to provide food security in Russia have been suggested.   

    In the section “Regional and municipal economy” an organizational mechanism for inter-cluster cooperation management has been developed on the resource oriented approach basis; an information model of the resort and recreational system of towns and district centres with GIS data bases has been suggested; the significance of personal income tax in municipal budgets has been revealed and the trends that will improve the policy of its distribution in the budget system of the Russian Federation have been determined.     

    The next section is devoted to the development of methodological and methodical tools for reasons, challenges and consequences of the youth start-up movement development in Russia and possible mechanisms to promote the movement in the country have been suggested; systematic challenges of process management use in an organisation have been identified and the content of the stages of the process management practice implementation has been justified; methods that assess subsidized air transportation costs have been provided including economic and technical and economic indicators of the assessment of their efficiency and the assessment of social and economic results of the budget resources use to make air transportation more affordable for the residents of remote districts of Russia and to provide air transportation at the unclaimed destinations.      

    In the section devoted to acute issues of accounting, audit and economic analysis the vector for the improvement of auditing in terms of Russian economy digitization including the alteration of the legislative regulation system and audit practice has been determined on the basis of the retrospective analysis of audit market development in Russia and abroad.  

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  • Vol. 13 No. 3 (2018)

    The problem of formation and implementation of Russia’s economic strategy on the basis of current and forward-looking tasks of the macroeconomic policy is discussed from theoretical and methodological view point in Issue 3 of the Journal.  

    Section “Economic and Mathematical Modelling” begins with the article devoted to a theoretically substantiated closed mono-branch model that describes the behaviour of economic agents at a labour market. The model is based on the differential equations. Another article in the section concerns the models developed to describe the dynamics of macroeconomic processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The developed models allow us to determine the priority directions of economic growth stimulation from the point of view of the state impact on the economy on the basis of the obtained forecasts. An economic and mathematical model of structural savings of the population has been developed in the case study of statistical data of Perm krai. Using the model the most likely stationary levels of savings characterising consumption standards and the population standards of living in the region have been calculated.  

    The improved methods for the analysis of efficient target state and municipal programs have been suggested. The methods help to assess the impact of these programs on the achievement of the target indicators of social and economic development of a territory over the period of budget planning. Using the synthesis of systematic and region-target methods a system of indicators for forecasting of social and economic development of the Arctic macro-region of Russia has been developed.        

    In terms of the concept Industrial revolution 4.0 and the theory of competitive advantages an original approach to the formation of management models of cyberphysical organizations as strategic competences of national economies has been suggested. A set of measures that will improve internal and external environment of enterprises operating in copper industry has been worked out. These measures will increase investment attractiveness of a territory.     

    The issue is completed by the article devoted to the method of analysis of balance indicators. In the article an algorithm for calculating the average financial ratios to assess the financial condition of enterprises of the energy industry in Russia and for the conducting complex accounting examinations is also provided.

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