Essential characteristics of the categories and concepts in the training process in the digital economy
Methodological changes in the modern economy could not keep up with the rapid economic global changes. An appropriate scientific approach should also be provided for the transformations taken place in production and labor relations in the epoch of digitalization. The purpose of the present article is to justify, to systematize, and to develop the categories and concepts for the training process under the digitalization of the economic activities and production and labour relations. The article reveals the impact of different scientific theories in economics on the development of the essential characteristics of the training process; its correlation with the concepts of human resources, human capital, intellectual capital has been described. The need to use a systemic-process approach to analyze the training process as a multi-faceted and multi-tied process in digital economy is justified. The article shows that the existing categories and concepts in the training process fail to reflect the content of industrial and labor relations arising in digitalization and successfully maintaining the digital economy institutions. The article concludes that digital economy should perceive the training process as a new level of resourcing which is an intellectual and professional one, and as an intersectoral development and effective performance of human capital with the purpose to provide the quantitative and qualitative equilibrium at the labor market and its entities. The pool of employees is the object of the training process, while tailored units, divisions and services with their particular authorities, rights and duties including the law-binding ones to support the peopleware are the subjects of the training process. Therefore, the digital economy is transforming the industrial system of the production and labour relations both by adjusting them to digitalization and by generating new types of labour. Structural economic transformations trigger the changes in the essence and the content of the training process and the performance of all participants at the labour market. The essential characteristics of the categories and concepts in the training process in the digital economy should be clarified to set a methodological basis for further scientific studies in the new economic reality.
Keywordspersonnel, human capital, personnel potential, training process, peopleware, digital economy, digitalization, production and labor relations, labor economy, system-process approach
For citationSimchenko N.A., Anisimova N.Yu. Essential characteristics of the categories and concepts in the training process in the digital economy. Perm University Herald. Economy, 2021, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 67–85. DOI 10.17072/1994-9960-2021-1-67-85
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