Human resources management for industrial enterprises in the context of innovative changes: Its role, characteristics, and optimization areas
The transition to the sixth technological order of the modern economy develops new approaches and principles of managing economic systems aimed to reproduce groundbreaking innovations that contribute to economic growth and enhance the competitive advantages of the country's economy in the world arena. This validates the issue of strengthening human resources of industrial enterprises as a key component for the competitiveness of national industry. The purpose of the research is to develop a mechanism for the efficient management of human resources of industrial enterprises. This mechanism should ensure sustainability of human resources innovative development in the context of unpredictable environment. To achieve the purpose of the research, the authors applied the methods of scientific cognition: a dialectic approach, analysis and synthesis, as well as the tools of econometric modeling. The analysis helped develop economic and mathematical models which, unlike the existing ones, prove the actual need for stronger human resources of the RF industrial enterprises with a better quality of human resources management in the context of global economy trends. The models can be used to predict trends in the RF economy, timely identify relevant areas of innovative development and develop proactive management measures to enhance human resources efficiency in the context of innovative changes. The proposed mechanism for enhancing the industrial enterprises’ human resources ensures constant and comprehensive monitoring of enterprise environment, construction of flexible architecture of management processes, structuring of the management functions, reasonable distribution of the functional tasks among the departments and particular executors, regulation and optimization of subject-object relations, identification and classification of the parameters which impact the successful achievement of strategic goals, as well as the development of a transparent system of eliminating the barriers for worse quality and efficiency of human resources exploitation. The scientific recommendations and conclusions articulated in this study can act as a methodological tool for the management of industrial enterprises in determining options for solving the problems of economic growth and increasing competitiveness. Further research is seen to be in unification of the methodological tools of human resources management with regard to the proposed management system based on modern information technologies.
Keywordshuman resources, human resources management, efficiency of innovative development, industrial enterprises, economic and mathematical modeling, forecast of innovative development, mechanism for enhancing human resources, human resources monitoring.
For citationVasyaycheva V.A. Human resources management for industrial enterprises in the context of innovative changes: Its role, characteristics, and optimization areas. Perm University Herald. Economy, 2021, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 405–420. DOI 10.17072/1994-9960-2021-4-405-420
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