Assessment of labor potential in operating special economic zones and advanced development territories
Special economic zones are an important strategic tool of territorial development. Socio-economic development of special economic zones is seen to be a key economic task. To perform this task, special environment is arranged for their development and manufacturing enterprises and the service sector. These special conditions should stimulate their economic development and ensure their sustainable economic growth. The main objective of the study is to assess the development of labor potential in the Russian regions with the special economic zones and a preferential taxation scheme. The research task is to evaluate the economic and social indicators of the special economic zones. The study looks at the labor potential indicators which affect the development and functioning of these territories. The novelty is a comparative analysis of the labor potential indicators before and after a special economic zone is established. The results of the analysis show the impact of preferential conditions on the employment rate, a decrease of the unemployment rate, and changes in the structural disproportion rate and contribute into developing recommendations for efficient managerial decisions in this area. The statistical data of the Federal State Statistics Service, as well as information resources of territorial entities served as the information base for analytical studies. The statistical data analysis revealed the behavior of individual economic and social indicators; the role of a territorial status in economic growth was determined. The results also show that special environment does not stimulate territorial development in manufacturing and service sectors. Most existing territorial entities do not demonstrate high development rates, including by labor potential indicators. The exceptions are metropolitan and large urban agglomerations characterized by high economic development rates due to a high development level in financial and banking sectors, concentration of manufacturing capacities, and a significant agglomeration effect. The identified development trends evaluate the efficiency of tax incentives, the development of special economic zones, and reveal the mechanisms to improve areas of development. The results obtained in the study contribute into a more efficient investigation of the socio-economic situation in special economic zones, adjust their development directions, can be used for preparing strategic and policy documents for the development of territorial entities, including the territories with special tax privileges and preferential conditions for work.
Keywords: labor potential, special economic zones, population, number of economically active population, number of employed, unemployment rate, average number of employees of small-sized enterprises
For citation
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