Improvement of the regulatory support for science and industry as the key condition for the implementation of the innovative scenario of Russia’s development




This article contains an analytical review of the current regulatory basis in the sphere of science and industry. The detailed analysis of the legal environment makes it possible to reveal the existing gaps in the Russian legislation, determine the root causes of it and suggest some ways to resolve these issues. The purpose of the study is to develop recommendations to make the regulatory policy of science and industry more effective according to the innovative scenario of the Russian economic development. The methodological basis of the research includes general scientific methods of cognition, tools of interdisciplinary and system-logical approaches and economic analysis of the regulatory environment. The scientific novelty of this research is to determine the main actions to provide technological independence of Russia taking into account the mentioned gaps of the current regulatory support. Having analyzed the legislative framework the authors have identified the main tendencies of regulatory support for science and industry as well as some shortcomings of the government scientific and industrial policy. The contemporary tendencies in the regulation and development of science and industry are expressed in a constant appeal to new methods and forms of support for innovative activity of industrial enterprises and also in a formation of a system of indicators for the achievement of goals based on profit. These tendencies are negative for the Russian economy of industry as they impede Russia's transition to the innovative development way. With regard to the disadvantages of the scientific and industrial policy the most significant of them is the absence of the legislatively fixed responsibility of the authorities for its implementation. In addition, according to the results of this research, the authors have suggested the target-oriented approach which makes it possible to organize the innovative, scientific and technological strategies of economic development of Russia in a new way: to set certain goals, tasks, timeframes for implementation as well as to identify executors who are responsible for results concerning a specific project. As the primary targets for providing Russia's leadership on the global market of high-technology products the following directions of improvement of the regulatory basis have been proposed: introduction of amendments and additions to the legal acts regarding the issue of import substitution, the formation of new markets for high-technology products and also the priority of research and development that are potentially in demand by the Russian companies. The application of the developed recommendations to improve the legal regulation of science and industry in practice will give an opportunity to increase the effectiveness of the government scientific and industrial policy and provide the Russian technological independence.


industrial policy, innovative activity, regulatory basis, government regulation, development strategy, high-technology products, fundamental research, industrial economics, import substitution, technological independence

For citation

Balashova E.S., Gnezdilova O.I. Improvement of the regulatory support for science and industry as the key condition for the implementation of the innovative scenario of Russia’s development. Perm University Herald. Economy, 2017, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 263–278. DOI 10.17072/1994-9960-2017-2-263-278


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Information about the Authors

  • Elena S. Balashova, Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University

    Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher

  • Olga I. Gnezdilova, Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University

    Postgraduate Student






Enterprise economy and management of industrial enterprises, organizations, branches, complexes