Structuring regional tv channel audience preferences on the basis of the fuzzy-logic decision tree economic and mathematical model
The domestic media market is geographically concentrated. Federal channels own a significant share of TV viewers, leaving regional and local broadcasters a small part of it. To involve viewers in interaction with the media environment, companies embark on a race for the quality and interactivity of television. In the context of the state reform on the transition to digital broadcasting the competition in the media market is greatly exacerbated. Regional TV companies are now facing the problem of insufficient funding and being dependent on the conditions of advertising agencies, distributors and manufacturers of products. Full-broadcast regional companies associate further economic development with entering the third multiplex, which will enhance the status of the state television and radio broadcasting company covering the whole territory of the country. For example, the technical equipment of the broadcasting company "Bashkir satellite TV" (BST) meets the requirements of the selection, however, meeting the financial and economic indicators remains relevant. The economic success of television is determined by the rating which is the most important criterion in media planning advertising. The business environment of media-enterprise is formed as a result of the dynamics of interactions and links among viewers, advertisers, owners and other institutions of the society. The broadcasting network programming strategy is a key management tool which takes into account the factors of television quality, the broadcast time structure and the balance of air. Time as the duration of existence is a qualitative category for television; it structurally depends on the peculiarities of the audience’s organization of free time. Hence, there is a need for ranking time intervals with the reflection of complexity in the structure of the TV audience preferences. The balance of the broadcasting network implies balance of preferences of all stakeholders, logically filled air time, which is able to ensure the success of the company. There is demand for a tool providing assessment of the content attractiveness as early as at the design stage of the broadcasting network. These issues put forward the need for improving the tools, especially the development of economic and mathematical models of the fuzzy-logic tree to structure people's preferences for managing a media enterprise. The present research proposes a methodological framework and tools for decision support in regional television to effectively place the TV production quality airtime on the basis of the method of hierarchy analysis and fuzzy decision tree.
Keywordsregional TV company, broadcasting network, rating, airtime, modeling the structure of preferences, a fuzzy decision tree, analysis technique of Saaty’ hierarchies
For citationBakhitova R.Kh., Polupanov D.V., Islamov I.Ya. Structuring regional TV channel audience preferences on the basis of the fuzzy-logic decision tree economic and mathematical model. Perm University Herald. Economy, 2017, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 247–262. DOI 10.17072/1994-9960-2017-2-247-262
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