Development of a multi-criteria scale to select employees in the personnel reserve of JSC institute of Hulurgy
Important resources of any organisation are knowledge, experience, skills, initiative and enterprise of a staff. These resources contribute to the competitiveness and productivity of an organization, and, moreover, create a favorable climate in a team. When we admit a crucial role of education and qualification levels of employees in a firm, we realize an importance to manage a staff flexibly. Purposeful work with a personnel reserve avoids unreasonable staff promotion, but at the same time basic principles of staff management, planned character, scientific validity, effectiveness and other aspects of staff decisions should be considered. In addition, the development of an effective system of a personnel reserve allows to identify employees with high potential for career making and, as a result, to increase their competence systematically preparing them to fill vacancies. The article defines peculiarities and trends in the field of efficiency of personnel reserve management in the case study of JSC Institute of Hulurgy. This institute is considered to be one of the leading research and planning institutes in the potash industry in Perm region. While conducting the research we have revealed, that there is a number of disadvantages in the current system of staff evaluation at the enterprise: 1) high formality degree of the evaluation criteria, underestimation of the staff competencies; 2) the lack of ranking criteria to applicants; 3) united criteria are applied to the assessment of different categories of the organization staff. To mitigate the identified disadvantages, a multi-criteria scale to select employees in the personnel reserve has been suggested. This scale includes indicators confirming the staff adequacy to their professional requirements and the assessment of his or her scientific potential. It also involves sociometry data and the level of an applicant of motivation. The developed scale allows to consider a wide list of personal and professional characteristics of reservists taking into account the importance of each of them and to make an objectified decision to nominate employees for the vacant seat. The main provisions and conclusions of the study can be used in the solution of complex practical problems to form and develop a personnel reserve of any organization. Further we are planning to monitor the dynamics of employees’ efficiency who have passed a personnel reserve. Also we will monitor the dynamics of the organization activity on the basis of the results of multi-criteria scale implementation for the selection of applicants.
Keywordsan organization staff management, personnel reserve, a multi-criteria scale, applicants selection, professional competences, career growth, motivation, scientific potential of an employee
For citationTerentyev V.B., Shilova E.V. Development of a multi-criteria scale to select employees in the personnel reserve of JSC Institute of Hulurgy. Perm University Herald, Economy, 2017, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 467–481. DOI 10.17072/1994-9960-2017-3-467-481
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