Ecologization of modern Russian economy: Problems and ways to solve them
The article is devoted to one of the most topical issues of our time – ecologization of economy, which should be considered as one of the conditions of sustainable socio-economic development of territories. The problem of environmental pollution is that if we continue to ignore the ecological component, significant and negative consequences for the global economy will definitely increase. In this regard, the purpose of the article is to identify the trend of ecologization of the modern economy of Russia in the frameworks of the environmental policy improvement. Methodologically the research is based on general scientific methods (logical and systematic approaches, structural and functional analysis, methods of generalization and synthesis), on statistical methods including graphic and tabular approaches of data visualization. The main approaches to the definitions of the economy ecologization have been presented in the study; the peculiarities of management of the above mentioned process at economic entity scale and at the scale of the national economy have been studied; the opportunities to apply foreign experience to improve the environmental policy of the Russian Federation have been analyzed. The assessment of business participation trends in the solution of the issues of sustainable development has permitted to identify the consequences of inefficient ecological policy of economic entities in Russia. Among these consequences are the increase of pollutants emissions into the air, dumping of wastes into water objects with simultaneous cost reduction for nature protection activity. The measures that will increase the efficiency of the economy ecologization in Russia have been substantiated. Among them are the use of environmentally friendly, energy and resource saving technologies and ecologically oriented innovations by companies; introduction of “the best available technologies” concept, of environmental management and audit. Particular attention has been paid to the principles of “green” economy that base on the sustainable development concept. The implementation of these principles is connected with social and ecological responsibility of business. The practical use of the study is that the obtained results may be used by authorities and business structures to identify forms, methods and tools of formation and transformation of the environmental policy of Russia. Further the authors will develop tools of the “green” economy principles with the assessment of economic benefits and costs caused by this introduction. They will also study the ways to improve environmental legislation system of the Russian Federation, will investigate and summarize the experience of foreign environmental audit of business structures activity.
Keywordsecologization of economy, «green» economy, environment, environmental monitoring, environmental policy, environmental management, environmental responsibility of business, industry, environmental innovation
For citationUskova T.V., Kopytova E.D. Ecologization of modern Russian economy: Problems and ways to solve them. Perm University Herald. Economy. 2018, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 37–57. DOI 10.17072/1994-9960-2018-1-37-57
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