Comparative analysis of strategic aspects of development of digital economy
Strategic aspects of development of digital economy of the countries of OECD, the EU and Russia are considered in the article. As this type of economy becomes significant driving force of global economic growth and plays an important role in acceleration of rates of economic development, in productivity increase, in the creation of new branches and markets, in the effective use of natural resources, in the development of citizens' initiatives and democratic values. The distinguished processes are based on the level of society and business informatization at the current stage of the world economy development. The purpose of the work is to define the trends of digital economy development in Russia on the basis of its functioning features using a comparative analysis of strategic directions of digitization of the economy of the EU and OECD countries. Methodologically the research is based on the study and generalization, analysis and synthesis, as well as a comparative analysis that allow us to define fundamental trends of the development of digital economy in the EU and OECD countries. Among these trends are the establishment of innovations in the field of digital economy; the development of information infrastructure; the formation of favorable institutional environment for the improvement of interaction of all subjects of a digital economy; extensive use of digital technologies by business, population and state institutions and the increase of the national economy security in the global digital environment. The authors have revealed general characteristics and distinctive features of the implementation of strategic documents that provide the development of digital economy in different countries. It has been done on the basis of analysis of particular management decisions that suggest the implementation of the above mentioned trends. The revealed patterns allow us to confirm that in general the strategy of the development of digital economy in Russia corresponds to the world trends. Further the authors will develop particular measures of the digitization of the Russian economy taking into account the international experience.
Keywordsrisks, digitization, digital technologies, digital infrastructure, efficiency, resource saving, eco-friendly technologies
For citationPopov E.V., Semyachkov K.A. Comparative analysis of strategic aspects of development of digital economy. Perm University Herald. Economy, 2018, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 19–36. DOI 10.17072/1994-9960-2018-1-19-36
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