Transport and logistic complex of the country in the conditions of economic restructuring: Macroeconomic approaches to the analysis of efficiency
In the condition of economic restructuring of the national territorial systems the role and features of transport and logistic complex operation are significantly changing. In its turn the complex greatly impacts the economy development and determines the opportunities, trends and intensity of the national economy transformation. The optimization of transport and logistics should be targeted, timely and rational as their role in economic and social development is significant. Also plans for strategic and spatial development should be considered. To develop the transport and logistic complex successfully a comprehensive system of indicators that is able to estimate the complex activity, importance and the optimization process trend efficiently is necessary. For this purpose macroeconomic methods have been suggested in the article and an indicative system of indicators for the assessment of the transport and logistic complex operation efficiency has been developed. The development and efficiency of the transport and logistic complex operation is estimated by the system of macroeconomic indicators based on the comparison of individual components of the system of the national accounts for the economy as a whole and for the transport and logistic complex in particular, and also on the basis of analysis of the natural indicators characterizing the performance of the transport complex. Retrospective series from 2002 to 2016 have been taken as a temporal term. The research is based on statistical and comparative analysis. The novelty of the original study is the developed and reasonable macroeconomic approaches to the assessment of the efficiency of transport and logistic complex operation in the country and in macroregions. The role of the transport and logistic complex in the added value formation and in the intermediate consumption has been specified in the article. A more detailed macroeconomic analysis of transport and logistic complex operation efficiency in Russia, the USA, Germany and China has been made. During the study we have revealed that in Russia when the range of transported goods and passengers is reduced, the goods transportation and passenger costs, expressed in intermediate consumption and partly in the added value of the transport and logistics complex, increase significantly, especially in comparison with other countries. The research results may be used as a basis for the development of measures and mechanisms for transport and logistic complex operation optimization, as well as for the monitoring of its efficiency and the efficient decision making. Further research will concern the functioning of certain categories of transport activities, as well as the flows of intermediate products and added value for individual economic sectors and activities.
Keywordstransport-logistic complex, macroeconomic indicators, the system of national accounts, added value, intermediate consumption (inputs), regional economy, turnover of goods, efficiency, optimization of transport and logistic system
For citationNikolaev R.S. Transport and logistic complex of the country in the conditions of economic restructuring: Macroeconomic approaches to the analysis of efficiency. Perm University Herald. Economy, 2018, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 228–250. DOI 10.17072/1994-9960-2018-2-228-250
AcknowledgementsThe research was conducted by a Russian Science Foundation grant (project №17-78-10066 “Optimization of the transport and logistic system of Russia and the regions as an instrument of sustainable development”).
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