Сognitive modeling of balanced development of regional system of higher education subject to the needs of a region





The significant role of the regional system of higher education, which influences the innovative development of the regional socio-economic system, leads to the need to diagnose the state of congruence and interconnection of these systems, to find the most effective management tools and to model its balanced development. In this regard, the aim of the article is to build a cognitive model of the interrelationship between the regional system and the system of higher education and to analyze scenarios for the balanced development of regional higher education system, taking into account the needs of the region. To solve the problem, the methods of mathematical and computer modeling were used, including the analysis of the subject area, the method of expert estimates, statistical analysis and other mathematical tools. Theoretical validation of the research results includes a description of the cognitive modeling methodology designed to explain and describe the structure and behavior of complex socio-economic systems, the analyses of the dynamics of their balanced development, the development and substantiation of management decisions to ensure sustainable socio-economic development of the region. In particular, the procedure of cognitive modeling of the balanced development of regional higher education systems subject to the needs of the region has been justified, which includes four stages: 1) development of a cognitive model; 2) the study of the properties of a complex cognitive model; 3) scenario analysis; 4) adjustment to the cognitive model. Based on the proposed approach the results of diagnostics of the state of congruence and interconnection of the regional higher education system and the socio-economic system of the region have been obtained, a cognitive model of the interconnection of the regional system and the higher education system has been built, the balanced development of regional higher education systems has been assessed subject to the needs of the region using impulse modeling tools scenario analysis. In future we are planning to study the construction of scenarios for the development of a regional system and a higher education system subject to the needs of a particular region and on the constructed cognitive map basis. The analysis of the development scenarios of the regional higher education system subject to the needs of a particular region will allow us to develop the main management decisions for the balanced development of the selected regional system.


cognitive modeling, cognitive structurization, sustainability criteria, complex socio-economic system, higher education system, economy of a region, balanced development, scenario analysis, impulse modeling

For citation

Makarova E.L. Сognitive modeling of balanced development of regional system of higher education subject to the needs of a region. Perm University Herald. Economy, 2018, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 516–531. DOI 10.17072/1994-9960-2018-4-516-531


The research was financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the project is called “Development of methodology and tools for assessing the efficiency of the functioning of the regional higher education system and modeling its balanced development”, No. 18-010-01115.


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Information about the Author

  • Elena L. Makarova, Southern Federal University

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Management and Innovative Technologies, Institute of Management in Economic, Ecological and Social Systems






Economic-Mathematical Modeling