An enterprise as an object of marketing management: Modern trends and regularities
There is a significant gap between the practice of market-oriented management (marketing management) of modern enterprises and basic scientific research. Moreover, management principles and technologies for doing business in the context of growing digitalization of the economy have not been fully defined and sufficiently tested yet. At the same time, the use of new management technologies determines the strategic competitive advantages of enterprises. Under these circumstances, the subject of management must take into account current trends and patterns of its functioning in the competitive struggle, develop mechanisms for the formation and reproduction of its strategic competitive competencies and development factors. The purpose of the study is to determine the patterns of functioning of modern enterprises as an object of marketing management on the basis of systematization of the main trends in the development of socio-economic systems. The study is based on universal and general scientific methods of cognition, as well as a synthesis of marketing philosophy and management theory. The main trends of modern development have been identified and analyzed: the intensification of network forms of interaction between enterprises and stakeholders; digitalization of enterprise management and stakeholder behavior; regionalization and globalization of enterprises; production of institutional innovations by enterprises and stakeholders; comparability of changes in the trajectory of the stages of the life cycle of enterprises and stakeholders. The scientific novelty of the study concerns the fact that additional regularities in the marketing management of an enterprise have been synthesized on the suggested analysis basis: the more complex the integration between the subjects of network interaction is, the more complex the management mechanism is; attraction of stakeholders to network interaction allows for the co-creation of value and production of innovations; the rapid digitalization transforms the behavior of stakeholders and interaction with them; the main driver of enterprise development in the digital economy is not only technology, but also knowledge of the subject of management itself and knowledge of stakeholders; with increasing globalization, maintaining the competitiveness of enterprises without their interaction with science, education, and the state is not possible; management subject and stakeholders acquire the ability to produce, export or transplant institutional innovations. A mechanism and principles for the harmonization of interests between the subjects of networking have been developed, an assessment of enterprises' readiness for digitalization has been carried out, and practical recommendations have been proposed for its improvement in the case study of the “Innovative Initiative” cluster. Prospects for further research are associated with the development of scientific, methodological and practical aspects of the formation of institutional mechanisms for the harmonization of interests of legally independent actors of network interaction.
Keywordsenterprise, network interaction, digitalization, globalization, transnational company, institutions, institutional changes, marketing management, stakeholders, life cycle
For citationKalynychenko M.P. An enterprise as an object of marketing management: Modern trends and regularities. Perm University Herald. Economy, 2019, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 125–144. DOI 10.17072/1994-9960-2019-1-125-144
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