Economic-mathematical modeling of a multi-criteria optimization management problem of a retail unit of a commercial bank




The task to develop and use economic-mathematical models that increase the speed and quality of decision-making is becoming acute in terms of increasing competition at the banking service market, and in the consequences of the need for permanent increase of economic efficiency of banking institutions. Currently most of the decisions are made by banks in an expert way or on the basis of single calculations of economic efficiency of individual projects taking into account the available statistical data on the dynamics of macroeconomic processes. Problems of this kind are usually implemented on the basis of stochastic economic-mathematical models that are based on the knowledge about the probabilistic characteristics of the simulated parameters. For their construction it is necessary to observe rather harsh conditions on implementation of the above considered processes that it is difficult to realize in practice. Hereby, to solve a multi-criteria optimization management problem of a retail unit of a commercial bank we suggest using dynamic economic-mathematical models that include control actions and a vector criterion of quality. The tools under consideration focus on the increase of efficiency of decision-making in the field of the control of the staff amount, as well as in the sales system of a retail unit of a commercial bank. The stages of the creation of dynamic models and an algorithm for the solution of the vector optimization problem have been worked out. For the solution of the optimization problem of the management of a retail unit of a commercial bank we have made calculations for the set of practical tasks in the software environment Delphi 7. And the results obtained during the calculations have been illustrated. The analysis of the results has been made and the selection of an optimal solution has been explained. The suggested method for the vector optimization is characterized with significant practical application as it can be used as the basis for the development of systems to support management decision-making in various areas of the banking sector. Further works in the field will be devoted to the complication of the suggested tools by expanding the phase vector of the management system of a retail unit of a commercial bank by including additional quality criteria for the implementation of the management process under consideration, as well as through the solution of the problem of dynamic economic-mathematical modeling of the process of optimization of adaptive management of the similar process.


dynamic economic-mathematical modeling, vector optimization problem, computer modeling, efficiency of a management system, control of the number of employees, system of retail sales, a commercial bank, a retail unit

For citation

Filippova A.S. Economic-mathematical modeling of a multi-criteria optimization management problem of a retail unit of a commercial bank. Perm University Herald. Economy, 2019, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 93–109. DOI 10.17072/1994-9960-2019-1-93-109


The author appreciates Prof. A.F. Shorikov for consultations on the mathematical model formalization and V.А. Tyulukin for the development of the modeling computer system in the Delphi 7 software environment. They helped develop and create the information support for the computer modeling of the solution to the problem of optimizing the process of managing the number of employees and sales at a bank retail unit.


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Information about the Author

  • Anna S. Filippova, Sberbank Rossii JSC

    Project Manager






Economic-Mathematical Modeling