Аnalysis technique of information innovation and technological cycle at the level of regional economic systems





The study of a technological cycle, its direct and negative correlations with other cycles that determine the meaning of modern macroeconomic dynamics is significantly important in the context of global transformation processes that are associated with formation and further development of new economy (neo-economy). The study identifies the essence of information innovation and technological processes that are considered to be a component of the modern macroeconomic cycle. The identification is based on the development and testing of the techniques of the cycle analysis at the level of regional social and economic systems. The authors have suggested their original interpretation of a technological cycle while comparing different definitions of the term and using postulates of the recurrent approach. The technological cycle means a particular type of cycle where informatization, innovation and technologization of production are considered to be a single process expressed in the fluctuations of innovation indicators. The latter are used in the technology production process at particular time periods process of technology production. The algorithm for the analysis of the information innovation and technological cycle includes aim and four blocks subordinated to it, including a resulting one, has been suggested. The method we have developed is aimed at the determination of the current phase of the modern information innovation and technological cycle. The method is based on different postulates of process approach and ranking and has become the foundation for the author’s grouping of regions – subjects of the Volga Federal District according to the level of information innovation and technological development of the current macroeconomic cycle and subsequent identification of basic trends for each group of regions defining the dominant vector of their development. Testing of the proposed methodology has allowed us to assert that the leading regions are characterized with progressive trends indicating a high level of information and innovation potential. Regions of the middle group are characterized with a combination of progressive and regressive trends connected to unstable values of information and innovation components. That indicates the absence of own information and innovation environment in the regions. Less developed regions are characterized with the predominance of crisis trends indicating the absence of information and innovation conditions for progressive changes in the technological component of the information innovation and technological cycle. The development of trends and methods for the management of the present type of cycle in a group of regions or in a particular region may be based on the obtained results.


macroeconomic cycle, information innovation and technological cycle, cycle phases, recurrent approach, technological progress, regional social and economic systems, development dynamics, trends, ranking, statistical analysis

For citation

Butorina O.V., Tretyakova E.A. Аnalysis technique of information innovation and technological cycle at the level of regional economic systems. Perm University Herald. Economy, 2019, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 289–312. DOI 10.17072/1994-9960-2019-2-289-312


The study was financially supported with the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund (RHSF) grant “Features of a production cycle in the system of different levels in the regional economy” No. 18-410-590003.


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Information about the Authors

  • Oksana V. Butorina, Perm State University

    Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of the World and Regional Economy, Economic Theory

  • Elena A. Tretyakova, Perm State University

    Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor at the Department of the World and Regional Economy, Economic Theory






Regional economy