Diffusion of organizational and management innovations as a boosting factor for economic development of Russian enterprises





Sustainable economic development of any country is directly related to the level of innovative development of economic entities in various branches of its national economy. Therefore, one of the priorities in the national social and economic development is the development and implementation of innovations. For Russia, this vector is particularly relevant, since this determines the critical possibility to implement the strategic targets to shift to the innovative development paths. Currently, the innovation activity of domestic enterprises is insufficient to ensure the transition to an innovative economy. Despite the public efforts to create conditions for an innovative development, there are bottlenecks that hinder the effective implementation of innovative activities among domestic enterprises. To eliminate this problem, the article proposes to find the balance between the changes in the manufacturing area and the changes in the management system based on the implementation of the organization and management innovations. To boost the penetration of organizational and managerial innovations into domestic enterprises, the paper gives arguments for the need to create an information portal which transfers and maintains the innovation diffusions into the operational management systems as a tool to boost enterprises’ innovative development. Besides practice-determined content and a detailed structure of delivering the information, the organization of efficient communication between its participants, which contributes to more effective penetration of innovative ideas in the management systems at the local enterprises, is one of the distinctive features of the proposed element in information infrastructure. The results derived from a modified innovation diffusion model evidence for the higher rate of innovation penetration into the management systems due to the interpersonal communication between the portal participants and for the efficient distribution of the organization and management innovations among the domestic enterprises through the proposed portal. Thus, the introduction of the proposed portal into the performance of the Russian enterprises will contribute into more efficient innovative activities, which will boost the innovative development processes in the Russian economy. In the future, the proposed model can be used to identify the most significant factors in the diffusion distribution of organization and management innovations that accelerate their penetration into enterprises in our country.


innovative development, innovative performance of an enterprise, organization and management innovations, management system, production sphere, technological forms of innovation, information infrastructure, diffusion model, innovation diffusion, technology transfer, portal

For citation

Kiseleva O.N. Diffusion of organizational and management innovations as a boosting factor for economic development of Russian enterprises. Perm University Herald. Economy, 2020, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 307–323. DOI 10.17072/1994-9960-2020-2-307-323


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Information about the Author

  • Oksana N. Kiseleva, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov

    Doctor of Science in Economics, Professor at the Department of Economic Security and Innovation Management






Enterprise economy and management of industrial enterprises, organizations, branches, complexes