Research of consumer satisfaction and loyalty in the regional market of mineral water
By purchasing a certain product, the consumer satisfies his own desires in accordance with his needs and financial capabilities. Since a person shows certain preferences to satisfy his desires: preferences in food, clothing, etc., and in the course of his development, forms preferences for more and more diverse desires, the main goal of manufacturers, marketers and advertisers in such conditions is to satisfy demand. Since the degree of diversity of customer preferences is due to a variety of factors affecting their formation, there is a need for regular marketing research in order to study the target audience, which will not only satisfy its needs as much as possible, but also create customer loyalty is the key to the financial success of the company. The main objective of the study: to identify the satisfaction and loyalty of consumers of the Republic of Crimea in relation to bottled mineral water. To achieve this goal, specialized methods of marketing research were used, which involved conducting a personal survey and a survey via the Internet, as well as a focus group to identify the most famous and often purchased by respondents brands of mineral water represented in the region. An empirical study compiled a characteristic of the target group. A frequency analysis of the acquisition of mineral water in the region was carried out, as a result of which such groups of buyers as active, moderate and passive were identified. The trade formats most suitable for acquiring mineral water were determined: supermarkets and convenience stores, which is explained by the logic of consumption of essential goods in the trading places nearby to the place of residence. Using factor analysis, the most significant factors for the consumer that affect the choice of mineral water were identified - taste and price. The preferences of customers regarding brands presented in the region are studied. The differentiation of the level of commitment and consumer loyalty to the brands of mineral water of Crimean and other (Russian, Georgian) manufacturers, the net loyalty index of which was -17.4 and 20.8, respectively. During the study of the Crimean water market, it was found that the net loyalty index was -17.14, the customer loyalty index was 48.8, and the customer satisfaction index was 70.43%. The calculated indicators indicate a rather high consumer satisfaction with Crimean waters, but insufficient customer attachment, which is associated with the low reputation of Crimean mineral water producers on the market, as well as their inefficient distribution. The study allowed us to study consumer preferences in order to create a target portrait of the regional mineral water market, and to identify the level of customer satisfaction and loyalty, with which you can evaluate the competitiveness of Crimean waters in the regional market and develop appropriate measures to increase it.
Keywordscustomer loyalty, customer satisfaction, customer preferences, net promoter score, customer satisfaction index, customer, brand, retail format, purchase, regional market
For citationMuratova G.S., Yarosh O.B. Research of consumer satisfaction and loyalty in the regional market of mineral water. Perm University Herald. Economy, 2020, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 288–306. DOI 10.17072/1994-9960-2020-2-288-306
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