Digital economy as the main direction of increasing the region’s economic security level (A case study of the Central Federal District subjects)
At the present stage of the society development, the digital economy has acquired particular importance in accelerating the economic growth rates. However, to date, the impact of the digital economy on the economic security of business entities at the regional level is underdeveloped in modern economic science. Thus, the urgent task of scientific economic research is to analyze and evaluate the influence of the digital economy factors on the economic security of the regions, since it is the economic security that determines the country's competitiveness, as well as regional socio-economic development. The purpose of this study is to identify and evaluate the influence of the digital economy factors on the constituent elements of economic security in the regional socio-economic systems. Having applied the statistical data and the indicative method of evaluation, the author identified the economic security levels, as well as the readiness index for the information society, which determines the development level of the digital economy in the subjects of the Central Federal District. To identify and analyze the impact of the digital economy factors on the economic security of the regions, a correlation analysis was carried out between the readiness index for the information society and the level of regions’ economic security. The correlation analysis showed a high correlation relationship among the studied indicators, which scientifically proves that in modern conditions it is the development of digital technologies in the region that determines the accelerating dynamics of the economic security level in the region. Thus, the author concludes that the development of technological aspects of the digital economy leads to an increase in the regions’ economic security. Correlation analysis differentiated factors, which enabled the digital economy to identify factors of the digital economy that affect the economic security level. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that the author applies correlation analysis and obtains evidences for the impact of the digital economy development level identified by the readiness index of the regions for the information society on the level of regions’ economic security, which may be the fundamental point for scientists in organizing and conducting further research on the impact of the digital economy factors on the economic security level in the regions. The practical significance of the study conducted by the author lies in the possible applicability of the obtained results by the state and regional authorities in defining the strategic priorities for the development of digital infrastructure in the field of improving the economic security level by regional authorities. The prospects for further research are associated with a further deeper analysis of the digitalization trends in socio-economic systems, the development of areas for building methods for quantifying the impact of the digital economy on the economic security level at the regional management level, as well as the development of a system of managerial impacts that ensures the effectiveness of these processes.
Keywordsdigital economy, factors of digitalization, readiness index for the information society, economic security, areas of economic security, regional economy, correlation analysis
For citationVlasov M.V. Digital economy as the main direction of increasing the region’s economic security level (A case study of the Central Federal District subjects). Perm University Herald. Economy, 2020, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 271–287. DOI 10.17072/1994-9960-2020-2-271-287
AcknowledgementsThe research was financially supported by the Russian Foundation for the Basic Research No. 19-010-00850.
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